Lesson 6: Iteration

This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook. You can download the notebook here.

We often want a computer program to do a similar operation many times. For example, we may want to analyze many codons, one after another, and find the start and stop codons in order to determine the length of the open reading frame. Or, as a simpler example, we may wish to find the GC content of a specific sequence. We check each base to see if it is G or C and keep a count. Doing these repeated operations in a program is called iteration.

Introducing the for loop

The first method of iteration we will discuss is the for loop. Our goal is to assess the GC content.

In [2]:
# Make up a random sequence

# Initialize GC counter
n_gc = 0

# Initialized sequence length
len_seq = 0

# Loop through sequence and count G's and C's
for base in seq:
    len_seq += 1
    if base in 'GCgc':
        n_gc += 1
# Divide to get GC content
n_gc / len_seq

Let's look carefully at what we did here. We took a string containing a sequence of nucleotides and then we did something for each character (base) in that string (nucleic acid sequence). A string is a sequence in the sense of the programming language as well; just like a list or tuple, the string is an ordered collection of characters. (So as not to confuse between biological sequences and sequences as a part of the Python language, we will always write the latter in italics.)

Now, let's translate the new syntax in the above code to English.

Python: for base in seq:

English: for each character in the string called seq, do the following, with that character taking the name base

This exposes a general way of doing things repeatedly in Python. For every item in a sequence, we do something. That something follows the for clause and is contained in an indentation block. When we do this, we say are "looping over a sequence." In the context of a for clause, the membership operator, in, means that we consider, in order, each item in the sequence or iterator (we'll talk about iterators in a moment).

Now, looking within the loop, the first thing we do is increment the length of the sequence. For each base we encounter in the loop, we add one to the sequence length. Makes sense!

Next, we have an if statement. We use the membership operator again. We ask if the current base is a G or a C. To be safe, we also included lower case characters in case the sequence was entered that way. If the base is a G or a C, we increment the counter of GC bases by one.

Finally, we get the fractional GC content by diviging the number of GC's by the total length of the sequence.

Example and watchout: modifying a list

Let's look at another example of iterating through a list. Say we have a list of integers, and we want to change it by doubling each one. Let's just do it.

In [3]:
# We'll do one through 5
my_integers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

# Double each one
for n in my_integers:
    n *= 2
# Check out the result
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Whoa! It didn't seem to double any of the integers! This is because my_integers was converted to an iterator in the for clause, and the iterator returns a copy of the item, not a reference to it. Therefore, the n inside the for block is not a view into the list, so doubling it does nothing meaningful.

Instead, if you want to change a list in place using a for loop, use the index given by the enumerate() function. Let's try again.

In [4]:
# Square each one
for i, _ in enumerate(my_integers):
    my_integers[i] *= 2
# Check out the result
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Much better! Note that we used the underscore, _, as a throwaway variable that we do not use. There is no rule for this, but this is typical Python syntax and helps signal that you are not going to use the variable.

Now, if we tried to do a similar technique with a string, we get a TypeError because a string is immutable.

In [5]:
# Try to convert capital G to lower g
for i, base in enumerate(seq):
    if base == 'G':
        seq[i] = 'g'
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-3738f1d3e49b> in <module>()
      2 for i, base in enumerate(seq):
      3     if base == 'G':
----> 4         seq[i] = 'g'

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment


In the previous example, we iterated over a sequence. A sequence is one of many iterable objects, called iterables. Under the hood, the Python interpreter actually converts an iterable to an iterator. An iterator is a special object that gives values in succession. A major difference between a sequence and an iterator is that you cannot index an iterator. This seems like a trivial difference, but iterators make for more efficient computing under the hood that directly using a sequence.

We can explicitly convert a sequence to an iterator using the built-in function iter(), but we will not bother with that here because the Python interpreter does this for you automatically when you use a sequence in a loop.

Instead, we will now explore how we can create useful iterators using the range(), enumerate(), and zip() functions. I know we have not yet covered functions, but the syntax should not be so complicated that you cannot understand what these functions are doing, just like with the print() function.

The range() function

The range function gives an iterable that enables counting. Let's look at an example.

In [6]:
for i in range(10):
    print(i, end='  ')
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  

We see that range(10) gives us ten numbers, from 0 to 9. As with indexing, range() inclusively starts at zero by default, and the ending is exclusive.

It turns out that the arguments of the range() function work much like indexing. If you have a single argument, you get that many numbers, starting at 0 and incrementing by one. If you give two arguments, you start inclusively at the first and increment by one ending exclusively at the second argument. Finally, you can specify a stride with the third argument.

In [7]:
# Print numbers 2 through 9
for i in range(2, 10):
    print(i, end='  ')

# Print a newline
# Print even numbers, 2 through 9
for i in range(2, 10, 2):
    print(i, end='     ')
2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  
2     4     6     8     

It is often useful to make a list or tuple that has the same entries that a corresponding range object would have. We can do this with type conversion.

In [8]:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

The enumerate() function

Let's say we want to print the indicies of all G based in a DNA sequence. We could do this by modifying our previous program.

In [9]:
# Initialize GC counter
n_gc = 0

# Initialized sequence length
len_seq = 0

# Loop through sequence and print index of G's
for base in seq:
    if base in 'Gg':
        print(len_seq, end='  ')
    len_seq += 1
0  4  12  16  18  19  20  26  

This is not so bad, but there is an easier way to do this. The enumerate() function gives an iterator that provides both the index and the item of a sequence. Again, this is best demonstrated in practice.

In [10]:
# Loop through sequence and print index of G's
for i, base in enumerate(seq):
    if base in 'Gg':
        print(i, end='  ')
0  4  12  16  18  19  20  26  

The enumerate() function allowed us to use an index and a base at the same time. To make it more clear, we can print the index and base type for each base in the sequence.

In [11]:
# Print index and identity of bases
for i, base in enumerate(seq):
    print(i, base)
0 G
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 G
5 A
6 C
7 U
8 C
9 C
10 A
11 U
12 G
13 C
14 A
15 C
16 G
17 U
18 G
19 G
20 G
21 U
22 A
23 U
24 C
25 U
26 G
27 U
28 C

The enumerate() function is really useful and should be used in favor of just doing indexing. For example, the len() function gives the length of a string. Many programmers, especially those first trained in lower-level languages, would write the above code as follows.

In [12]:
for i in range(len(seq)):
    print(i, seq[i])
0 G
1 A
2 C
3 A
4 G
5 A
6 C
7 U
8 C
9 C
10 A
11 U
12 G
13 C
14 A
15 C
16 G
17 U
18 G
19 G
20 G
21 U
22 A
23 U
24 C
25 U
26 G
27 U
28 C

enumerate() is more generic and the overhead for returning a reference to an object isn't an issue. The range(len()) construct will break on an object without support for len(). In addition, you are more likely to introduce bugs by imposing indexing. It is better to use the enumerate function.

The zip() function

The zip() function enables us to iterate over several iterables at once. In the example below we iterate over the jersey numbers, names, and positions of the players on the US women's national soccer team who scored in the World Cup final this past summer.

In [13]:
names = ('Lloyd', 'Holiday', 'Heath')
positions = ('MF', 'MF', 'F')
numbers = (10, 12, 17)

for num, pos, name in zip(numbers, positions, names):
    print(num, name, pos)
10 Lloyd MF
12 Holiday MF
17 Heath F

We should probably have Lloyd's name three times, since she scored a hat trick.

The reversed() function

This function is useful for giving an iterator that goes in the reverse direction. We'll see that this can be convenient in the next lesson. For now, let's pretend we're NASA and need to count down.

In [14]:
count_up = ('ignition', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10)

for count in reversed(count_up):

The while loop

The for loop is very powerful and allows us to construct iterative calculations. When we use a for loop, we need to set up an iterator. A while loop, on the other hand, allows iteration until a conditional reads False.

As an example of a while loop, we will calculation the length of a sequence before hitting a start codon.

In [15]:
# Define start codon
start_codon = 'AUG'

# Initialize sequence index
i = 0

# Scan sequence until we hit the start codon
while seq[i:i+3] != start_codon:
    i += 1
# Show the result
print('The start codon starts at index', i)
The start codon starts at index 10

Let's walk through the while loop. The value of i is changing with each iteration, being incremented by one. Each time we consider doing another iteration, the conditional is checked: do the next three bases match the start codon? We set up the conditional to evaluate to True when the bases are not the start codon, so the iteration continues. In other words, iteration continues in a while loop until the conditional returns False.

Notice that we sliced the string the same way we sliced lists and tuples. In the case of strings, a slice gives another string, i.e., a sequential collection of characters.

Let's try looking for another codon. But, let's actually not do that. If you run the code below, it will run forever and nothing will get printed to the screen.

In [ ]:
# Define codon of interest
codon = 'GCC'

# Initialize sequence index
i = 0

# Scan sequence until we hit the start codon, but DON'T DO THIS!!!!!
while seq[i:i+3] != codon:
    i += 1
# Show the result
print('The codon starts at index', i)

The reason this runs forever is that the conditional never returns False. If we slice a string beyond the length of the string we get an empty string result.

In [17]:

This does not equal the codon we're interested in, so the while loop keeps going. Forever. This is called an infinite loop, and you definitely to not want these in your code! We can fix it by making a conditional that will evaluate to False if we reach the end of the string.

In [18]:
# Define codon of interest
codon = 'GCC'

# Initialize sequence index
i = 0

# Scan sequence until we hit the start codon or the end of the sequence
while seq[i:i+3] != codon and i < len(seq):
    i += 1
# Show the result
if i == len(seq):
    print('Codon not found in sequence.')
    print('The codon starts at index', i)
Codon not found in sequence.

The break and else keywords

Iteration stops in a for loop when the iterator is exhausted. It stops in a while loop when the contitional evaluates to False. These is another way to stop iteration: the break keyword. Whenever break is encountered in a for or while loop, the iteration halts and execution continues outside the loop. As an example, we'll do the calculation above with a for loop with a break instead of a while loop.

In [19]:
# Define start codon
start_codon = 'AUG'

# Scan sequence until we hit the start codon
for i in range(len(seq)):
    if seq[i:i+3] == start_codon:
        print('The start codon starts at index', i)
    print('Codon not found in sequence.')
The start codon starts at index 10

Notice that we have an else block after the for loop. In Python, for and while loops can have an else statement after the code block to be evaluated in the loop. The contents of the else block are evaluated if the loop completes without encountering a break.