Lesson 44: Bootcamp recap

This lesson was generated from a Jupyter notebook. You can download the notebook here.

Hello, world

In [1]:
print('hello, world')
hello, world

Command line mastery

"Ugh. I'm just going to do it on the command line." --Overheard at bootcamp


You now have a very efficient assistant.

Version control

You can now sleep easy

...and collaborate

...and do better, reproducible, sharable science

...and the bootcamp has code on the internet for all!

Data types

  • ints
  • floats
  • strings
  • bools
  • lists
  • tuples
  • dictionaries
  • sets
  • functions, file handles, NumPy arrays, Pandas DataFrames, ...

NumPy arrays

Slicing and dicing

Random number generation (probability is the mathematical language of biology)

Anything you want to do with groups of numbers


Your plotting is





Your plotting is interactive (the future).


Your data are organized.

And tidy.

And accessible.

As a hacker

Statistics are tractable and understandable.

You can simulate complex processes.

Your data

have a new master. Whether images, time series, counts, you name it.

This is the beginning!

I look forward to seeing what you will do!