Exercise 5.7: Making a stand-alone app for exploring parameters

Recall that in our lesson on dashboarding, we built a dashboard investigating how fold change in gene expression varies with repressor copy number \(R\) and inducer concentration \(c\). The theoretical curve is

\begin{align} \text{fold change} = \left[1 + \frac{\frac{R}{K}\left(1 + c/K_\mathrm{d}^\mathrm{A}\right)^2}{\left(1 + c/K_\mathrm{d}^\mathrm{A}\right)^2 + K_\mathrm{switch}\left(1 + c/K_\mathrm{d}^\mathrm{I}\right)^2}\right]^{-1}, \end{align}

with parameters given in the table below.




dissoc. const. for active repressor binding IPTG


dissoc. const. for inactive repressor binding IPTG


equil. const. for switching active/inactive


dissoc. const. for active repressor binding operator


number of repressors in cell

Rebuild that dashboard, but use JavaScript callbacks so you can have full interactivity with a stand-alone HTML file.


import numpy as np

import bokeh.io
import bokeh.layouts
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.plotting

Loading BokehJS ...

To build our app, we will first code up the functions to compute the fold change in Python so we can make the starting plot.

def bohr_parameter(c, R, K, KdA, KdI, Kswitch):
    """Compute Bohr parameter based on MWC model."""
    # Big nasty argument of logarithm
    log_arg = (1 + c / KdA) ** 2 / ((1 + c / KdA) ** 2 + Kswitch * (1 + c / KdI) ** 2)

    return -np.log(R / K) - np.log(log_arg)

def fold_change(c, R, K, KdA, KdI, Kswitch):
    """Compute theoretical fold change for MWC model."""
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-bohr_parameter(c, R, K, KdA, KdI, Kswitch)))

Next, we can make the sliders we want. We will again vary the parameters on a logarithmic scale, but will use a clever trick with the labels to we do not display the base ten logarithm of the parameter value, but rather the value itself. To do this, we use a bokeh.models.FuncTickFormatter to give a snippet of JavaScript code to display the value of the slider. We will raise ten to the value of the log slider and then display the resulting value with a precision of 3.

slider_format = bokeh.models.CustomJSTickFormatter(
    code="return Math.pow(10, tick).toPrecision(3)"
log_R_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(
    title="R (1/cell)", start=0, end=3, step=0.1, value=2, format=slider_format,
log_K_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(
    title="K (1/cell)", start=-6, end=3, step=0.1, value=0, format=slider_format,
log_KdA_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(
    title="KdA (1/mM)", start=-6, end=3, step=0.1, value=-2, format=slider_format,
log_KdI_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(
    title="KdI (1/mM)", start=-6, end=3, step=0.1, value=-2, format=slider_format,
log_Kswitch_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(
    title="Kswitch", start=-3, end=6, step=0.1, value=1, format=slider_format,

Now, let’s build out plot, using a ColumnDataSource so we can manipulate the values.

c = np.logspace(-6, 2, 200)
fc = fold_change(
    10 ** log_R_slider.value,
    10 ** log_K_slider.value,
    10 ** log_KdA_slider.value,
    10 ** log_KdI_slider.value,
    10 ** log_Kswitch_slider.value,

cds = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(dict(c=c, fc=fc))

p = bokeh.plotting.figure(
    x_axis_label="[IPTG] (mM)",
    y_axis_label="fold change",
    x_range=[1e-6, 1e2],
    y_range=[-0.05, 1.05],

p.line(source=cds, x="c", y="fc", line_width=2);

Next, we code up the JavaScript code to get triggered when the sliders change values. The JS code is pretty straightforward, directly following what we have seen in the lesson.

jscode = """
function bohr_parameter(c, R, K, KdA, KdI, Kswitch){
    var log_arg = (1 + c / KdA) ** 2 / ((1 + c / KdA) ** 2 + Kswitch * (1 + c / KdI) ** 2);

    return -Math.log(R / K) - Math.log(log_arg);

function fold_change(c, R, K, KdA, KdI, Kswitch) {
    return 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-bohr_parameter(c, R, K, KdA, KdI, Kswitch)));

// For convenience, get views into the ColumnDataSource data
var c = cds.data['c'];
var fc = cds.data['fc'];

// Pull the values off of the sliders
var R = 10 ** log_R_slider.value;
var K = 10 ** log_K_slider.value;
var KdA = 10 ** log_KdA_slider.value;
var KdI = 10 ** log_KdI_slider.value;
var Kswitch = 10 ** log_Kswitch_slider.value;

// Loop through and update
var cLen = c.length;
for (var i = 0; i < cLen; i++) {
    fc[i] = fold_change(c[i], R, K, KdA, KdI, Kswitch);


Finally, we link the code to the sliders as a bokeh.models.CustomJS instance, making sure to specify the arguments that the JS code needs.

args = dict(
code = bokeh.models.CustomJS(code=jscode, args=args)
log_R_slider.js_on_change("value", code)
log_K_slider.js_on_change("value", code)
log_KdA_slider.js_on_change("value", code)
log_KdI_slider.js_on_change("value", code)
log_Kswitch_slider.js_on_change("value", code)

Great! Now, let’s lay out our app and take a look!

layout = bokeh.layouts.row(


Computing environment

%load_ext watermark
%watermark -v -p numpy,bokeh,jupyterlab
Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.11.3
IPython version      : 8.12.0

numpy     : 1.24.3
bokeh     : 3.1.1
jupyterlab: 3.6.3