Lesson 0: Setting up computing resources
Lesson 1: Introduction to Bayesian modeling
Lesson 2: Parameter estimation by optimization
Lesson 3: Markov chain Monte Carlo and Stan
Lesson 4: Display of MCMC results and diagnostics
Lesson 5: Prior and posterior predictive checks
Lesson 6: Hierarchical models
Lesson 7: Principled pipelines
Exercise 1. Practice with Bayesian modeling
Exercise 1.1: First attempts at Bayesian generative modeling
Exercise 1.2: Overwhelming a prior
Exercise 2. Paremeter estimation by optimization
Exercise 3. First foray into MCMC
Exercise 4: More Bayesian inference with MCMC
Exercise 5: Bayesian modeling with prior and posterior predictive checks
Exercise 6: Hierarchical models
Exercise 7: Principled pipelines
Schedule overview
Daily schedule
PoL workshop on statistical inference, part 2
Exercise 1. Practice with Bayesian modeling
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Exercise 1. Practice with Bayesian modeling
Exercise 1.1: First attempts at Bayesian generative modeling
Exercise 1.2: Overwhelming a prior