Lesson 0: Setting up computing resources
Lesson 1: Introduction to Bayesian modeling
Lesson 2: Parameter estimation by optimization
Lesson 3: Markov chain Monte Carlo and Stan
Lesson 4: Display of MCMC results and diagnostics
Lesson 5: Prior and posterior predictive checks
Lesson 6: Hierarchical models
Lesson 7: Principled pipelines
Principled analysis pipelines
Simulation based calibration and related checks in practice
Exercise 1. Practice with Bayesian modeling
Exercise 2. Paremeter estimation by optimization
Exercise 3. First foray into MCMC
Exercise 4: More Bayesian inference with MCMC
Exercise 5: Bayesian modeling with prior and posterior predictive checks
Exercise 6: Hierarchical models
Exercise 7: Principled pipelines
Schedule overview
Daily schedule
PoL workshop on statistical inference, part 2
Lesson 7: Principled pipelines
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Lesson 7: Principled pipelines
Principled analysis pipelines
Simulation based calibration and related checks in practice